Casentino, che passione!

Casentino, che passione!

When choosing lounging accessories for you dog – since we all know how much they like to nap – it’s very important to select something that will make them feel comfortable, while at the same time being a piece of furniture that doesn’t spoil your home’s interiors and, if possible, something that is practical and easy to take care of.

There are many kinds of dog beds and cushions out in the market, but they never seem to match all of our needs: either they are perfectly dog-friendly but far from aesthetically pleasing, or hyper fashionable and yet incredibly uncomfortable for you pup.

Much of this has to do with the raw materials themselves: cheap, plasticky-looking fabrics may seem the right way to go for dogs’ equipment, but how healthy (and long-lasting) do you think they are? Just imagine picking a bad mattress for your own, precious sleeping time.

The same philosophy should be followed for your beloved pet.

Casentino is an unexpectedly great material for dog accessories. Not to mention, extremely fascinating.

Officially born at the peak of Tuscan Renaissance in 1537, Casentino is essentially a very particular type of wool: bristly on its outer surface and smooth on the inner one, it is water-repellent and incredibly warm.

A fun fact about its distinctive colours? Its two most famous shades, bright orange and green, are actually said to be the result of a mistake in the dying process that occurred back in the ‘800s, but after the great poet Gabriele D’Annunzio famously referred to those new nuances as “the fire of sunset and the green of the nearby valley’s woodlands”, they quickly rose to become a popular status symbol amongst the upper class.

Since its creation, this legendary fabric has been worn by some of the most famous personalities in Italy’s history, such as Giuseppe Verdi or Giacomo Puccini. 

And its popularity crossed the borders, too: tailored in a smashing orange coat, Casentino even made a special appearance on Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”!

So why not use it for something completely different, and yet equally important?

2.8 design for dogs has chosen Premiata Tessitura TACS’ Casentino for its dog beds, cushions and blankets.

Just imagine how fancy (and practical!) this fabric can be for your pup’s abode: coming directly from the hills above Arezzo, Tuscany, this wool keeps its warmth in winter while ensuring high breathability in summer. 

It is easily machine washable at low temperatures and doesn’t need ironing.

Can you think of anything better?